Detached Surviving Reactive Attachment DisorderA Personal Story eBook Jessie Hogsett
Download As PDF : Detached Surviving Reactive Attachment DisorderA Personal Story eBook Jessie Hogsett
DETACHED! SURVIVING REACTIVE ATTACHMENT DISORDER is the true story of a young boy who never "attached" or "bonded" with his alcoholic mother. He felt unloved, uncared for, unsafe, sad, lonely and extremely angry. As he grew up, he, like most Reactive Attachment Disordered kids, acted out, exhibiting severely antisocial, even violent, behavior. You will travel back in time to view a young childs life through his own eyes. You will see an innocent boy become a severely emotionally disturbed teen. Then, against all odds, you will read about miracles few ever thought possible.
Detached Surviving Reactive Attachment DisorderA Personal Story eBook Jessie Hogsett
This is a powerful book! Being a story (narrative) it is SO easy to read. Being the author's personal story makes it compelling. Bottom line, this guy knows what he is talking about. It was heart breaking to read how many tragic things happened to him but I found hope for my child because he included the end of the story and it was a good end. I would recommend this as a necessary read to all foster and adoptive parents as well as teachers and social workers. It is just that good.Product details
Tags : Detached: Surviving Reactive Attachment Disorder-A Personal Story - Kindle edition by Jessie Hogsett. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Detached: Surviving Reactive Attachment Disorder-A Personal Story.,ebook,Jessie Hogsett,Detached: Surviving Reactive Attachment Disorder-A Personal Story,JHPublishing,BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY Personal Memoirs,FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS Adoption & Fostering
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Detached Surviving Reactive Attachment DisorderA Personal Story eBook Jessie Hogsett Reviews
This book finally fills in the blanks of attachment disorder. That the author was able to portray his thoughts and feelings at different ages is extraordinary and so helpful. His words made putting my son's feelings and fears in context so much easier. My son hasn't had the vocabulary and self-knowledge to verbalize his feelings but Mr. Hogsett finally has given me a glimpse from the inside. What a gift! I can use this book to start getting the real need behind the behavior. It makes it so much easier for him to say "yes, that's what I feel" Or, he can use the text to show me what he isn't thinking or feeling giving me much greater insight than the grunts and monosyllables I normally get. ) The story is also gripping and a reminder of the meaning and importance of family - however we define it. The suggestions in the back are clear and based on years of experience and observations made with real kids in real situations. My husband and I both have appreciated the reminder to get real help for your child no matter what anyone else (including our kids) thinks. I am so thankful to the author and I pray he will continue to heal and help kids who were like him and those who love them.
So first, this book needed an editor. If it had one it needed two. The story was scattered and at times confusing. Grammar is important people. No it doesn't have to be perfect but it needs to flow. This did not.
That said, and the reason I give this 3 stars, is the life of this young man was at times insightful. I won't say hopeful because I don't really feel as if hope ever came across in the writing. I also won't say healing because it feels as if in the book Jessie goes from being "broken" to better without much talk about why or what really helped him.
And how can you say you've attached to certain people throughout your life and then later in life you say this is the first time you've attached to someone? It felt very narcissistic. Maybe that's the point though. This kid couldn't think of others because he was so obsessed with himself. However it was meant to come across that is what I took away.
I would have preferred if the book might have delved deeper into the young mans healing. If he's even healed. I can't tell. I mean he's obviously "better" and functioning in society but we get to the end of the book and no real comment on his son. His life is so happy with one of his kids missing. I mean I don't expect him to be miserable but not to even mention if that was something he tried to change. Maybe he did and I missed it because the writing was so convoluted. Just felt like even having a child was somewhat of a superficial event for this guy to just "forget" it. It honestly felt as if his "happy" life description at the end was him trying to convince himself. I'm not going to say it is as I don't know the guy but it is how I read it.
I hope I'm wrong. Maybe a good proofing could have made this book relay a different message.
I loved reading this book.what this young man went through and came out on the bright side.i would have liked to know what happened to his son
Funny that this book is all about being detached. I found that the author's writing style to really draw me into his world. He probably started to develop RAD from infancy, Of course, he can't remember back that far. He starts from the age of 5 when his mother abandoned him and narrates what was going through his mind as a child suddenly left to live with strangers. This gives a lot of insight to supplement what information is available in textbooks.
The author sheds much-needed light on an all-too-common condition in too many children's lives today Reactive Detachment Disorder. With great honesty and candour, he describes his hurt and bewilderment, his anger and ultimate self-protective emotional numbness, his hostile and destructive actions, his perceptions and misperceptions and thought processes in response to a dysfunctional, neglectful, and abusive childhood. In his early teens, well on his way to continuing the abusive cycle that shaped his life to that point, he encountered individuals and experiences that turned his thinking and behaviour around and set him on a redemptive path to a fulfilling, contributing life. I'd have liked to know more of the specific interventions and processes that produced the changes, but some can be inferred from the "advice to parents and caregivers of RAD children" at the end of the book. The main thing I was left with, though, was a feeling of admiration, even awe, that someone with so many "strikes against him" could so completely turn his life around, gain so much self-awareness, and then use his own painful past experiences to help other RAD children heal. The book is competently written, an honest recounting of the transformation of an emotionally scarred "innocent victim" into a compassionate, effective "wounded healer." It's worthwhile reading for anyone seeking a dose of hope in a world where the challenges often seem insurmountable. My hat's off to Jessie Hogsett and to all the caring people who helped him mature into an understanding, compassionate, caring family man and healer. Thank you for showing that positive choices and happy-enough endings are always possible, and that one's past does not need to become one's destiny.
This was a fascinating and useful read. The author takes the reader into his mind as a child suffering from RAD, helping us understand why RAD children act the way the do. It's a story of hope and redemption. Hogsett includes many useful and practical tips for parents and caregivers of RAD children. I highly recommend this book.
This is a powerful book! Being a story (narrative) it is SO easy to read. Being the author's personal story makes it compelling. Bottom line, this guy knows what he is talking about. It was heart breaking to read how many tragic things happened to him but I found hope for my child because he included the end of the story and it was a good end. I would recommend this as a necessary read to all foster and adoptive parents as well as teachers and social workers. It is just that good.
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